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Career Services

Funded by merchandise sales in Goodwill’s retail training stores, our Job Connection-Career Center services are provided at no cost to job seekers. With ten locations throughout South Carolina and Georgia, our team serves an average of 17,000 job seekers annually, placing more than 6,000 in employment.  

Our Career Services team provides several workshops to prepare job seekers including:

  • Online Job Search Skills
  • Overcoming Barriers to Employment
  • Navigating Career Pathways
  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  • Interview Preparation
To find a Job Connection-Career Center near you

In addition to in-person services, job seekers can utilize the Virtual Career Center to view local job leads, access resume writing and interview preparation resources, connect with community resources or participate in free online education programs. 

Workforce Development Division

Goodwill also has a well-established Workforce Development division with a diverse menu of state and federally funded programs to serve specific populations based on uniquely identifiable barriers. Through these collaborative partnerships, Goodwill proudly works to empower people with disabilities, transitioning U.S. veterans, returning citizens, older workers, at risk youth, and others with employment barriers to recognize their potential, develop new skills and achieve their vocational goals. 

Programs include:

CSRA Program Location: Fort Eisenhower Military Base
Middle Georgia Program Location: Robins Air Force Base

Goodwill’s AbilityOne program offers career development and employment services to people with significant documented disabilities who need specific support and accommodations to maintain meaningful employment. AbilityOne participants benefit from:

  • On the job training
  • Earning a competitive wage
  • Hands-on work experience

CSRA Program Location: Aiken Job Connection – Career Center

In collaboration with the federal Food and Nutrition Service and the South Carolina Department of Social Services, Goodwill offers career development and workforce training for SNAP eligible participants 18 and older. While enrolled in the program, participants:

  • Have access to career training opportunities
  • Are guided in developing an individual career plan
  • Receive job placement resources, services and assistance

CSRA Program Locations:  Augusta, Aiken and Peach Orchard Job Connection – Career Centers

Virtual Services Also Available

The SSVF program provides a range of supportive services to eligible military veterans and their families. The CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc. in partnership with Forces United and Goodwill promotes successful civilian transitions by connecting military families with community resources and assisting with permanent housing and job placement. Any veteran seeking services may contact their local Job Connection – Career Center for details on how to receive holistic core services including:

  • Job search and application assistance
  • Resume creation with focus on military skills translation
  • Interview practice

CSRA Program Locations: Augusta and Peach Orchard Job Connection – Career Centers

Middle Georgia Program Locations: Broadway, Dublin, Lake Oconee, Milledgeville and Warner Robins Job Connection – Career Centers

Virtual Services Also Available

Goodwill’s TANF program provides career development assistance and job placement resources to individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families stipends in the state of Georgia. The TANF program specifically aims to provide:

  • Assistance developing a career plan
  • Job readiness training
  • On the job training
  • Job placement and retention assistance

This program requires a referral from your local TANF office.

CSRA Locations: Augusta and Peach Orchard Job Connection – Career Centers

Middle Georgia Locations: Dublin and Milledgeville Job Connection – Career Centers

Goodwill and the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency have partnered together to utilize a progressive training method to prepare people with disabilities for competitive employment.

Services include:

  • An evaluation of work-related skills
  • Career exploration
  • Work experience and training in a competitive work setting
  • Vocational evaluations
  • Job readiness training
  • Personal and social adjustment skills development opportunities
  • Job placement and retention services

Vocational Rehabilitation Services require a referral from your local GVRA office.

The location depends upon requested services

In addition to general Vocational Rehabilitation services, Goodwill provides specific vocational training to youth ages 14-22 who are under an IEP or 504 Plan and are enrolled in Vocational Rehabilitation services. Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) aims to provide students who are transitioning from high school to their next vocational step with work-based learning opportunities to overcome potential barriers to employment and to achieve their goals. Pre-ETS services include:

  • Work-based training at a community worksite
  • Training wage
  • Job readiness services

Pre-ETS requires a referral from your local GVRA office.


People placed into competitive employment.


Workdays for Goodwill Staffing Services Employees.

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