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Bank of America grant helps equip local Goodwill career centers with technology to support job seekers


AUGUSTA, Georgia, July 12, 2023 –Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA (GIMG) will expand its capacity to empower local residents who are seeking jobs and career advancement thanks to a grant from Bank of America. The grant will help fund technology to support individuals with barriers to employment, provide access to critical resources in finding work or obtain credentials to grow in their careers.

In the coming year, GIMG expects up to 200 people in Goodwill’s Augusta-Aiken service area will benefit from the technology additions and enhancements made possible by this grant. Funding will be used for the purchase of hardware, software, licensing and equipment to support the needs of Goodwill’s Job Connection Career Center walk-in clients and participants in its Helms Career Education (HCE) industry recognized vocational credentialing programs.

Last year alone, GIMG placed 3,851 individuals in competitive employment opportunities. The mission of its HCE programs and career development team is to provide educational and training programs to those seeking “a hand-up” in their careers. HCE works with students seeking additional learning opportunities, as well as individuals with employment barriers. The goal, as with all Goodwill programs, is to assist individuals with the skills and resources required to garner and retain competitive employment.

“For many years, Bank of America has worked with nonprofit partners in Augusta like Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA to help drive economic mobility for vulnerable individuals,” said Ora Parish, President of Bank of America Greater Augusta and Aiken. “Showing support to organizations like Goodwill that are providing critical employment services and programs is just one of the ways we are helping improve the quality of life in the communities we serve.”


About Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia, Inc.

Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia, Inc., a non-profit, 501c3 charity, builds lives, families, and communities one career at a time by helping people develop their God-given gifts through education, work, and career services. More than 86 cents of every dollar of Goodwill revenue underwrites job training and placement services within the agency’s 35-county service delivery area. Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia, Inc. is accountable to local Board of Directors, belongs to this community and is not owned by any individual or company. To learn more about services and individuals served by Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia, Inc. visit



Karen Lee Davis
Senior Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA
(803) 270-5148