Intro to Business Training Program

The Introduction to Business Administration course offers students an in-depth exploration of business concepts and office administration practices. This course combines theoretical insights with practical experiences, enabling students to develop essential skills in writing, investigation, problem-solving, demonstration, and reporting.  This course includes comprehensive day-to-day lesson plans, engaging PowerPoint presentations, quizzes following each chapter, and online access to all course materials. Additionally, students will be assessed through a final test that covers the newly introduced content, ensuring a thorough understanding of the subject matter. The course is structured to equip students with the competencies required.
Locations: Augusta Center, Peach Orchard Center, Grovetown Center
Total Program Hours: 40 hours

Upcoming Intro to Business Classes

CampusStart DateEnd DateClass Time
Augusta CenterFebruary 24thMarch 20thMon. - Thurs. 1:00pm - 1:30pm

FAQ Intro to Business Program

This course does not include an Industry-Recognized Credential. However, participants who successfully complete at least 80% of the coursework and meet attendance requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion from Goodwill Career Education.

Participants must have a high school diploma or equivalent and basic computer skills to enroll in this course.

Goodwill Career Education has a training program for you

To learn more about Goodwill’s training programs,
view our career services program catalog.

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Patrick Carroll
Director of Career Education

Carlos Anderson 
Outreach and Enrollment Specialist

Goodwill Career Education is authorized by Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC).  To learn more about GNPEC, click here.